I make artwork with rouketsuzome. Rouketsuzome is one of techniques used to dye cloth. For rouketsuzome, we make use of the characteristic of wax: the wax on cloth resists the penetration of dye. Rouketsuzome is created with brushes, wax and dye. We control wax and use it prevent the cloth being dyed.
I was born in Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima. It has a lot of beautiful nature. I feel close to nature, and I think nothing is more beautiful than nature. I am fully aware that neither my artwork nor my imagination can exceed the beauty of nature; nature presents us with a different beauty every single day.
The reason why I use dying techniques is because I feel that dyes drifting with the current in water can recreate the current of particles in the water and the air. The-out-of-control moves of dyes can give my artworks a natural expression on cloth.
I pursue a new art style by combining my imagination and a natural phenomenon, utilizing the power of nature.
1993 Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima prefecture, Japan.
2012-2016 Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Design and Applied
Arts, Division of Textiles (BFA)
2018 Hiroshima City University, Department of Design and Applied Arts,
Division of Textiles (MFA)
2017 I was selected Scholarship member from Mitsubishi Corporation.
Solo Exhibition:
2024 ■ ‘Hollow and Blink’ at Gallery Seek Caretta Shiodome, Tokyo (10/3~10/17)
2023 ■ ‘Last Flower’ at Ginza Gallery Seek, Tokyo (11/29~12/5)
2022 ■ ‘Pluralistic Biotope’ at Ginza Gallery Seek, Tokyo (11/12~11/20)
2018 ■ ‘Undying Trees’ at mm project gallery, Hiroshima (10/27~11/17)
2016 ■ ‘SOMEIRO Aquarium’ at mm project gallery , Hiroshima (9/3~10/25)
Art Fair:
2024■ ‘ART TAIPEI2024’ at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, Taiwan
2024■ ‘Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong2024’ at Hall 1D&E HongKong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2023■ ‘ART TAIPEI’ at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, Taiwan
2023■ ‘Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong2023’ at Hall 1D&E HongKong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2022■ ‘KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2022’ at Hyatt Centric Kanazawa, Ishikawa
Group Exhibition:
2023■ ‘Kaze Kaoru Hana Kaoru’ at art space morgenrot, Tokyo
2023■ ‘Smash Hits 04 from ONBEAT’ at AFRODE CLINIC, Tokyo
2022■ ‘Amakakaeru Ryu ni Tokimeki 2nd’ at Artglorieux, Tokyo
2022■ ‘Port Yokohama Summer Marche’ at FEI Art Museum Yokohama, Kanagawa
2022■ ‘LOS-PINTXOS’ at Lapis Gallery, Hiroshima
2022■ ‘Beyond Spring vol.4’ at Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi, Tokyo
2022■ ‘The Cat Size of SM’ at Gallery Seek, Tokyo
2021■ ‘Shimotuki ni Asobu’ at art space morgenrot, Tokyo
2022■ ‘Amakakaeru Ryu ni Tokimeki 1st’ at Artglorieux, Tokyo
2021■ ‘The joint exhibition of Ayaka Umeda and Saika Fujihara’ at Moonrise Gallery, Tokyo
2021■ ‘The 2nd Exhibition of dyeing works recommended by universities nationwide’ at SOME Seiryukan, Kyoto
2021■ ‘The 1st Artist New Gate’ at Gallery Seek, Tokyo
2020■ ‘Mojiko Art Wharf’ Former Dalian route terminal, Fukuoka
2020■ ‘Kusanotuyu Hananoka’, art space morgenrot, Tokyo
2019 ■‘Art Gaia@ jonanjima’, at ART FACTORY jonanjima, Tokyo
2019■ ‘Hatsune, Hanakage, Harunotuyu’, art space morgenrot, Tokyo
2018■ ‘Independent Tokyo2018’, at Asakusa Hulic Holl, Tokyo
2018■ ‘The 1st Exhibition of dyeing works recommended by universities nationwide’ at SOME Seiryukan, Kyoto
2018 ■‘The 21th Graduation Exhibition Hiroshima City University Faculty of Arts and Graduate School of Arts’ at Hiroshima City University Art Museum(2/14~2/18)
2017 ■ ‘Wide Angles of Dying, Sharpe Angles from Dying’ at Some Seiryukan, Kyoto (11/3~11/26)
2017 ■ ‘Auction in Kanazawa for Kogei and Art(AKKA)‘ at PIAS gallery, Osaka (10/10~10/12) at dining gallery Kanazawa of Ginza, Tokyo (10/14~10/15) at Kanazawa Art Gummi gallery, Ishikawa (10/19~10/31)
2017 ■ ‘The 72th new Takumi Crafts Exhibition’ at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (10/8~10/14) at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art (10/18~10/22)
2017 ■ ‘The 71th Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Exhibition’ at Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum (9/16~10/1)
2017 ■ ‘The life in Satoyama ! The Artists – Into the Streets’ at mm project gallery and the shopping street in Kake, Akiota, Hiroshima(9/2~10/1)
2017 ■ ‘The 34th Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program’, at GYRE gallery in Shibuya ( My works was also accepted for The 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45th this competitions and exhibited at MC FOREST in Marunouthi)
2017 ■ ‘The New World’, at Hiroshima Art Center, Hiroshima (2/22~2/26)
2017 ■ ‘The ultramarine of spring’, at Honmaru Coffee gallery (1/31~2/12)
2016 ■ ‘The exhibition of Seifukai’, at Itsukaichi Memorial Hospital(11/30~12/7)
2016 ■ ‘The 19th Graduation Exhibition Hiroshima City University Faculty of Arts and Graduate School of Arts’ at Hiroshima MOCA (2/17~2/21)
2015 ■ ‘The 70th new Takumi Crafts Exhibition’ at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (10/22~10/28) at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art (11/4~11/8)
2021 ■ Accepted to Charm Care Corporation 22th Competition
2023 ■ Accepted to Corporate Art Aid Kyoto2023
2021 ■ Accepted to Venture community for Arts
2021 ■ Gallery Seek Prize at the 1st Artist New Gate
2020 ■ Minato Oasis Mojiko Prize at Mojiko Art Wharf
2018 ■ Independent tokyo 2018 Judges’ Special Award
2018 ■ Artmore Award Award for a fine work
2018 ■ The 21th Art Museum Acquisitions Exhibition /Award for Outstanding Work
2017 ■ The 72th new Takumi Crafts Exhibition / Award for effort Work
2017 ■ The 34th Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program*
*My works was also accepted for The 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45th this competitions and all my winning works were purchased by Mitsubishi Corporation.
2016 ■ The exhibition of Seifukai
My work was purchased for Itsukaiti Memorial Hospital.
2015 ■ The 19th Art Museum Acquisitions Exhibition /Award for Outstanding Work
My work was purchased for Hiroshima University Art Museum.
2015 ■ International Orchid Festival 2015, Art Competition
Award for Outstanding Work
■ Charm Care Corporation
■ Hiroshima City University Art Museum
■ Mm project gallery
■ Itsukaiti Memorial Hospital
2016 ■ ’ROSOME’ workshop at mm project gallery (9/25)
Contact : urrrim1176@gmail.com